Ministry of Economy Trade Revenue ME nº 4131/2021, which changes the values of the ME Economy Ordinance for Use of the Integrated System of June 01, 2021, which changes the values of the Foreign Trade Ordinance of Brazil (SISCOMEX). The SISCOMEX Fee is changed to: 1) BRL 115.67 (one hundred and fifteen reais and sixty-seven cents), according to the Import Declaration (DI); and 2) R$ 38.56 (thirty-eight reais and fifty-six cents), protected in relation to the addition of Market Specialty to DI, subject to the limits defined by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service. The comprehensive designation is the correction by the National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) for the period from December 1998 to February 2021. Ordinance ME No. 4131/2021 also revoked Ordinance MF No. 257, of May 20, 2011, which for almost 10 years had unconstitutionally increased the Siscomex Rate. The lawsuits against this increase Get in touch and learn about our services.
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