Contrary to what many entrepreneurs think, importing for MEI is not impossible. In fact, every individual micro entrepreneur can work with foreign trade, importing or exporting, as long as the products are sold directly to the final consumer.
In addition, to operate within the international market, it is also necessary to comply with all qualification procedures with the Integrated Foreign Trade System - SISCOMEX.
In this case, the most important requirement is to have a record in the RADAR (Registration and Tracking of the Action of Customs Intervenients), within the activities of the MEI registry.
Can MEI import and export that are outside its social objective?
No, the import for those who are MEI must necessarily be within the activities informed in the issuance of their CNPJ. However, it is important to remember that they can be easily changed in Entrepreneur Rooms, or even online. In this way, it is possible to adapt them so that the entrepreneur can work with imports.
In addition, it is important to make it clear that there is no minimum capital requirement for the MEI in order for it to start its foreign trade operations. However, the billing threshold remains the same.
Therefore, it is important to keep an eye out so that operations do not exceed this ceiling, or seek a new tax regime that meets import and export revenue.
How can importing and exporting increase your profits?
Internationalizing your business is a big step. And with the support of those who know, you can go further.
With import and export you can:
1. Sell to the whole world
Imagine selling to any part of the planet? This is a reality not only for large companies, but also for the Individual Micro Entrepreneur!
With good import and export advice, you will be able to find the perfect audience for your business, reduce the bureaucracy of the entire process to send your products abroad, and optimize these shipping routines.
2. Higher profit margin
By exporting you can also increase your profit margin.
This is because your goods will have a higher added value, precisely because they are from another country. A common example of exports that have a high added value are Brazilian items sold in countries such as the United States.
The demand is very high, especially among the Brazilian community.
3. Favorable current exchange rate for those who matter
Another advantage of starting to export is that, currently, the current exchange rate for some of the largest countries in the International Market, such as the United States, is extremely favorable.
With the dollar fluctuating between R$ 4.00 and R$ 6.00, the profit for those who export at that moment ends up being much higher. And taking into account the time of year (preparation for Black Friday and the holiday season), the sales potential is also attractive.
So if you still don't import and/or export, this is the perfect time to start!
Do you want to start this process by being MEI? So take the opportunity to contact our team and see how Advance can help you.
Get in touch and learn about our services.
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